IMudra BankingAt Instant Mudra, we are committed to provide basic banking & financial services to everyone securely & easily. Our One Stop banking solutions offer services like Cash Deposit & Cash Withdrawal to the under-served population of India through our amazing Mudra Sevak network.
- Kiosk Banking

IMudra PayWith Instant Mudra Payment Solutions our Mudra Sevak's can accept payments by our payment methods which are extremely efficient and secure, also letting the Mudra Sevak to earn attractive commissions.
- Cash Management System (CMS)
- eDC Machine
- EMI Payments
- Wallet Topup

IMudra Bills PaymentsWith Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS), we have created a strong business source for our Mudra Sevaks, allowing them to become a one-stop-solution for all of the customer’s bill payment needs.
- Bill Payments